Asparagus are a joy! Unfortunately they last a very short time......but they are so tasting! Here a combination with sausage: try it and you will discover one of my secrets!
12 Medium fresh green asparagus
1/2 White onion
Extra virgin olive oil
300 g sausage peeled and cut into pieces
40 g parmesan cheese
1 liter Fresh whole milk
70 g butter
50 g 00 all purpose flour
black pepper
6-8 lasagne sheets (those which does not need precooking)
Prepare the asparagus: remove the tough end from the rest of the stalk by either cutting or snapping it off. If using a knife, cut 1/2 inch to 1 inch off the bottom, depending on where the green fades into white. If you're snapping the tough end off, bend the thicker end of the stalk to see where it snaps naturally. Cut the onion in small pieces.
Heat a little extra virgin olive oil in a large frying pan, then add the onion and cook at low heat (it must not to fry!)
When the onion has become translucent, add the asparagus and the sausage. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally until the asparagus are softened and the sausage cooked. If necessary, add some water. When cooked, sprinkle with a little of crushed black pepper and remove from heat.
Prepare the ingredients for the bechamel (butter, milk and flour) put them together in a large pot over medium heat. The butter goes first, and must be cooked on its own until it melts (it must not fry), then the flour must be added and mixed with the butter until it forms a creamy sauce. Finally add some salt and the milk, slowly, stirring well with a whisk.
Continue stirring until you get a smooth mixture. It is important to make a soft bechamel in order to facilitate an optimal cooking of the lasagna in the oven. When it’s ready, turn off and remove from heat.
Begin to assemble the lasagna taking all the ingredients on hand and using a large pan suitable for cooking in the oven. Begin sprinkling the bottom of the pan with a layer of bechamel.
Add two dry lasagna as from the package (no precooking is needed) and sprinkle with a new layer of sauce.
Add the filling and a little of grated cheese: gently mix the filling with the sauce. Repeat until reaching a total of 3-4 layers
Sprinkle the last layer with plenty of bechamel and a little of filling in order to obtain a homogeneous and soft layer. At this point the lasagna is ready to be cooked in the oven, but it can be stored it in the refrigerator, covered with foil, for up to 24 hours. When cooking it, put it in the oven (preheated) at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. After cooking, remove from the oven and serve in large slices.