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Artichokes sauce for pasta: cook according to season!

How is important to cook seasonal ingredients ? Very important! It benefits our health, the environment and tantalizes our taste buds with the vibrant that nature offers!!

Serves 4:

  • 4 medium sized artichokes

  • 1 lemon juice

  • 1 small onion fine diced

  • 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 bunch of parsley, minced

  • salt and pepper to taste

  • 2 coups of vegetable stock

  • 1 cup pf bechamel cream

  • grated Parmigiano reggiano to taste

  1. Wear gloves or your hands will get dark.

  2. Prepare the artichokes by peeling away the outer leaves until you reach the tender. Don't be shy, the more you peel, the better it will be: you have torch the very tender leaves.

  3. Cut off the spiny tip, peel away the dark green layer from the base and stem with a paring knife, or peeler, and slice off the stem, cutting it into 1/2" pieces.

  4. Quarter the hearts lengthwise, remove the choke with a small spoon, slice hearths in half again and plunge into a large bowl of cold water with the lemon juice.

  5. In a saucepan over medium heat, onion in oil until tender

  6. Add parsley (reserve about 1 tablespoon to garnish) and sauté for a few minutes

  7. Add the strained artichokes hearts and stems, seasoning with salt and pepper

  8. Sautè for 5 minutes stirring, add the vegetable stock to just below the level of the artichokes, cover and simmer until completely tender.

  9. When tender, purèe half of them in a food processor until smooth.

  10. Add the béchamel and the other artichokes, heat through and season if needed

  11. Toss half of the sauce gently with hot pasta , place it into serving bowl.

  12. Cover with the remaining sauce, garnish with minced parsley and grated parmesan cheese

  13. Enjoy!


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